Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mobile Technology

I too have learnt a lot about web 2.0 tools this year and have enjoyed starting on the journey of discovery - I do, however, have a long way to go but feel ok about that. One of the things that I really like about the newer technologies is that they recognise that people learn and approach the world in very different ways and then provide us with a means to connect and communicate with each other more effectively and creativiely. With the newer technology we are able to be truely mobile and access what we need no matter where we might be. This of course creates challenges about how, when and why we access information and learning but I guess that is something we will all work out with time and experience.


Free thinkers said...

I agree with you but let's not forget that true comunication comes through many different ways, not only through screens or computer devices

Free thinkers said...


Free thinkers said...

ooooh lah lah
have a wonderful day...!